Juniors backpack
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Genie Camellia 27L Orange Juniors Backpack With Spacious Compartment
1 review
Sale price₹. 949.00
MRP₹. 2,339.00
59% off
Genie Unicorn 27L Pink Juniors Backpack With Easy Access Pockets
87 reviews
Sale price₹. 999.00
MRP₹. 2,339.00
57% off
Genie Iridescence 27L Multicolor Juniors Backpack
94 reviews
Sale price₹. 949.00
MRP₹. 2,339.00
59% off
Watch and Buy
Genie 17" junior backpacks come in a range of fun designs and colors, making them the perfect choice for kids and with adjustable straps and padded backs, our backpacks are ready to be on the go!